Global Pastoral Ministry

Global Pastoral Ministry

Equipping you for Ministry in a Culturally-Diverse World

Globalization and immigration have brought the mission field to us. In our modern world it is essential that both pastors and global workers are equipped to disciple others while having the ability to navigate cultural differences. This program is designed to equip you with the ministry skills and cultural knowledge needed to present the gospel effectively, whether serving locally or abroad.

Available On-Campus and Online.

Why should I consider this program?

This program is specifically designed to equip individuals with the pastoral and missional skills necessary to engage our world for Jesus.
This program combines the Pastoral Ministry and Global Missions programs, and students will be able to choose a specialization in either discipline. Pastoral students will be exposed to cross-cultural experiences, so they can better understand how to engage with people in their communities who have moved to Canada from abroad. Missions students will gain essential pastoral skills through training and experience, which will prove an asset wherever God leads them.
This new combined program provides a foundation where students in either focus will receive valuable experience in both ministry practices, preparing them for effective ministry in our modern world.

Vanguard College is fully accredited and offers a supportive environment that intentionally integrates classroom learning with practical experience, so you will be equipped to pursue God’s purpose for your life.

Practical Learning

  • Regular involvement with cross-cultural ministries in Edmonton
  • Practical ministry opportunities locally and abroad
  • Degree students will complete a 400-hour internship in their chosen area of specialization (Pastoral Ministry OR Global Missions)
  • ...and more!

Program Objectives

  1. Execute (integrate) a daily practice towards spiritual formation and maturity, grounded in God’s grace and the empowering Holy Spirit.
  2. Implement a personal commitment to and growth in the Word of God, establishing it as the foundation to effective ministry.
  3. Recognizing (discerning) and articulating the call to ministry, acknowledging the gifts received, and acquiring leadership skills to effectively lead healthy churches and global mission.
  4. Develop and participate in practical leadership tasks of a local expression of the church: shepherding people and equipping them for ministry, with a clear commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission.
  5. Construct and demonstrate cultural responsiveness in presenting the gospel effectively across diverse worldviews and ethnicities.

Bachelor of Theology

Fall Courses

BT101The Bible As Story

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT101

This entry level course is designed to demonstrate the importance and relevancy of the whole Bible for today. For many, it is a mystery how the Old Testament is related to the New Testament. Some think the former is a source of unrelated devotional stories, laws and prophecies. In truth, the two testaments are the complete story of God’s progressive plan for his people. It is the purpose of this course to concisely trace the story of Scripture, and to help students build a central foundation with which they can understand, interpret and apply God’s word to their lives today.


Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT102

The heart of this course is centred around the importance of the Bible as God’s revelation to mankind, the metanarrative of God at work in history. The course intends to instruct students in how they read and study the scriptures. The student will be acquainted with the purpose and methods of responsible biblical interpretation, both general hermeneutics and special hermeneutics. The intention is to provide tools for interpretation, an emphasis on role of the Holy Spirit their personal reading of the Bible, and an appreciation for the different genres of scripture.

BT103Introduction to Personal Formation

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT103

The primary focus of this course is to equip students with the knowledge and tools they need to develop a vibrant devotional life. They will learn about, engage with, and reflect on various ways Christians can grow in their relationship with Jesus. Attention will also be given to how students can use this knowledge to lead others to develop a stronger faith.

FE191Practicum: Personal Effectiveness

Class Time: 1 hour | Credits: 1.00

Online Course Code DEFE191

Students will explore several important elements in developing and maintaining personal effectiveness the Christian ministry. Discovering that personal effectiveness is rooted in longevity, credibility, purpose and team will enhance the capacity to lead with effectiveness. Of significant content in this course is a guided examination of the characteristics of effective leader’s within the student’s own context.

GS103Intercultural Communication

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Pastors and global workers share the common mission of discipling and equipping God’s people. This course is designed to help students to interact with and build healthy relationships with people interculturally. It will help them to acquire and apply communication skills which are necessary to communicate the gospel effectively and accurately. Written, verbal and non-verbal concepts that affect the communication process in many variable settings will be addressed.

PS102Leadership & Team Dynamics

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEPS102

What happens when a leader grows intentionally? Dynamic growth happens internally. What happens when a leadership team functions optimally? Dynamic things happen organizationally. This foundational course on leadership will attempt to inform and prepare students for their future lives and leadership by delving into the theology and theory of leadership as encased in the Scriptures and as practiced best by healthy organizations. Students will glean from exemplary leaders what they do and how they do it, both individually and in teams. Through self-discovery of their own God-given strengths and gift mixes, students will be inspired and equipped to become dynamic Kingdom leaders!

Winter Courses

BS1xxOpen Elective

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Course elective will need final approval by faculty adviser.


Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT104

This course is an introduction to the Gospels. It will focus on the four canonical gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Issues relating to the synoptic problem will be explored, as well as the unique contribution of each gospel. The literary nature of the gospels will be examined, exploring the gospels as story, as well as their theological impact. As the title implies, this course will emphasize our response to the gospels: what it means to follow Jesus.

BT105Theology 1: God and the Human Condition

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT105

The purpose of this course is to examine the teaching of the Bible and develop a systematic theology that addresses four important themes: the Word of God, the doctrine of God, biblical anthropology, and the doctrine of sin. Efforts will be made to explain how these themes are developed through promise and fulfilment from Genesis to Revelation.

FE192Practicum: Relationships

Class Time: 1 hour | Credits: 1.00

Online Course Code DEFE192

Mature and emotionally intelligent relationships are an important element for developing and maintaining effectiveness in Christian ministry or any other work environment. Developing an accurate awareness of self and the social context are important skills to capture in this practicum course. Students will examine and practice implementing strategies for fostering healthy and meaningful relationships in their context.

GS102Worldviews and Contemporary Culture

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEGS102

An exploration of worldviews as intellectual, behavioural, and value systems in relation to culture. These powerful forces shape the lives of people often without clear reflection on the part of the holder. A person’s worldview has a huge influence on identity formation. Therefore, it is crucial to increase awareness and purposeful development of our worldview.

PS111Intercultural Principles and Practice

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00


Fall Courses

FE292Practicum: Meetings

Class Time: 1 hour | Credits: 1.00

Online Course Code DEFE292

Many Christian churches and para-church organizations choose to structure decision-making around a committee. Committees can either be a source of effective or ineffective leadership. This practicum will assist the student to develop skills in mandating, leading, and monitoring effective committees.

GS201Biblical Language Usage

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEGS201

This course is a basic introduction to the Biblical languages Greek and Hebrew and to the tools with which the student can study the Scriptures more effectively. Beginning with an appreciation for the nature and challenges of working with the original languages of our Scriptures, the student will be equipped with the skills necessary for the proper use of language and interpretative tools such as concordances, lexicons, word-studies, critical commentaries, and computer software. The course is divided into three parts: a comprehensive walk through of the Logos Library System and learning the Hebrew and Greek alphabets and a basic introduction to vocabulary and grammar of each.

GS203Introduction to Psychology

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEGS203

This course introduces the field of psychology, which includes a survey of topics including biology, psychological disorders, motivation, learning, conditioning, and social behaviour. It uses interactive means to address these topics in a format that should help the student to remember them.

GS207English Composition

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEGS207

This course aims to help students improve all their communication skills: Writing, reading, speaking, and listening. The main emphasis, however, is on writing skills. Students work through the steps of writing a research project, summarize written text, and apply principles of clear and correct writing to their own compositions. Students learn research and documentation strategies and strengthen and expand their writing skills so that they can write more effectively for a variety of audiences and purposes.


Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEPS201

Class participants will have an opportunity to learn sermon-building techniques through training in manuscript preparation and delivery styles. A lab component of the study requires the student to deliver a biblically-based message to fellow class members, and evaluate all other messages shared in the course. Through instruction, guests and a variety of hands on exercises, including preaching in class, students will explore the balance of both the prophetic and performance. Prerequisite: Hermeneutics

PS202The Art of Pastoral Care

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEPS202

This is an introductory course in the act of pastoral care. It is designed to acquaint the student with foundational biblical and theological understandings, elemental skills, and rudimentary attitudes necessary for effective pastoral care in contemporary Christian ministry. Particular attention will be placed upon the securing of basic and practical knowledge, competencies and sentiments required to serve in a variety of pastoral care ministry contexts, within and through the local church and in the community at large.

Winter Courses


Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT201

The book of Romans is foundational to understanding Christian theology. Paul, the author, will address some of the most fundamental and essential doctrines upon which our faith rests. At the same time, this is not a letter devoid of practical instruction on how to live our Christian faith in a contrary and hostile world in a Christ-like manner, retaining Kingdom truths and principles.


Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT202

In this course students will be introduced to the content and significance of the first five books of the Bible. Key ideas and critical issues will be examined, including how themes introduced in the Pentateuch are developed throughout the rest of the Bible and how the course content can apply to Christians today.

BT205Theology 2 – Soteriology/Christology

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT205

From the foundations of the world, the salvation of a people has been God’s intent, and His Son, Jesus Christ, came to earth to complete such a redemption. The purpose of this course is to give the student a thorough perspective on two of the greatest pillars of the Christian faith: a biblical Christology and Soteriology. The study of the nature, life, and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ along with a truly biblical understanding of the nature of our salvation is an essential part of forming a biblical basis for the student’s faith in our Lord and a foundation for effective ministry in the future. Prerequisite: Theology 1: God and the Human Condition

FE291Practicum: Volunteers

Class Time: 1 hour | Credits: 1.00

Online Course Code DEFE291

Volunteers are the backbone of Christian ministry. Volunteers staff departments, chair committees, teach classes, lead in services, and provide much of the church governance. This practicum will provide practical insights into recruiting volunteers, and will touch on the art of leading, loving, and caring for volunteers.

GS204Church History

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEGS204

This is a survey course to introduce the student to the history of the Christian church primarily focusing on renewal and revival movements. This course examines the history of the church as it developed from the apostles to the present era. The course objective is to thoroughly acquaint the student with the historical and theological development of key figures, movements, and doctrines.

PS211Holistic Ministry

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00


Fall Courses

BT301Pastoral Letters

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT301

This course uses the books of I and II Timothy and Titus to form a Pastoral Theology and a biblical template of contemporary pastoral responsibilities. This course exegetically explores the major themes of 1 Timothy, while having the students teach and apply 2 Timothy and Titus. Being sensitive to the backgrounds, issues, and purposes of these Pauline letters, the professor always seeks to apply the principles to contemporary pastoral experiences.

BT305Theology 3 – Ecclesiology/Eschatology

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT305

This course is a study of the church and last things from a biblical, theological perspective. The church is seen as a divinely established entity through which God’s people have their beginning and develop their identity and fellowship with him. All major aspects of the church will be examined: her composition, her work, her ordinances, her government, and her future. The church’s future will be considered by looking at the different theological viewpoints that have been held over time, with an aim to discerning the development of Pentecostal eschatology and where it stands today. "Prerequisite: BT105" Prerequisite: Theology 1: God and the Human Condition

FE313Practicum: Global Pastoral Ministry - Year 3 Fall

Class Time: 1 hour | Credits: 1.00


GS301Philosophy and Apologetics

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEGS301

An investigation into several main areas of philosophy, including: Metaphysics (what is the nature of ultimate reality?), Epistemology (what is knowledge?), Axiology (the study of values), Logic (critical thinking and forms of argument), and Philosophy of Religion. It will help students think critically about and clearly explain to others why they believe what they believe.

PS302Pastoral Counselling

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEPS302

This course is an introduction to the preparation, philosophy, theology, and skills of the pastoral counsellor. It addresses issues and situations commonly faced in the pastor’s office. Practical application of the principles and skills learned during lectures will be applied through various experiences and integrative assignments. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology (GS203)

PS312Missional Vitality: Community Engagement

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEPS312

This course will focus extensively on the outward relationship with our neighbours, the call to go into all the world and make disciples, with the intention to equip Christ followers to personally engage their neighbours and neighbourhoods.Through class lectures reading, field trips, guest presenters and assignments, students will have the opportunity to explore strategies, initiatives, partnerships and practices that facilitate that outward orientation. Emphasis will be placed on ensuring that the church is committed to a posture of being empowered and led by the Holy Spirit, believing that God has already gone before us and is at work in our communities.

Winter Courses


Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT306

This course is a biblical exposition of the pneumatology in Lukan literature. It evaluates the relevant Lukan data narratively, grammatically, contextually, and canonically, paying particular attention to the way Luke portrays Jesus in the continuing story of God’s salvation plan. It will look at the different perspectives and ways of approaching Luke-Acts, paying close attention to the significant themes of salvation, empowerment for mission, and judgment. Modern interpreters of Lukan pneumatology will be critically evaluated. The OT background will also be appreciated at each step. A major concern of the course will be the relevancy of Luke’s message for us today.

FE314Practicum: Global Pastoral Ministry - Year 3 Winter

Class Time: 1 hour | Credits: 1.00


GS205Human Development

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEGS205

This course is designed to provide an in-depth account of human development across the life span. It will examine the biological, cognitive and psychosocial approach that has guided the complexity of human development. Students will be given an opportunity to apply a variety of developmental theories to age related changes in behaviour, thinking, emotions, personalities and social relationships in relation to maturational processes, individual differences and cultural expectations. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology

GS402History of Pentecostalism

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEGS402

This course explores the origins of the Pentecostal Movement and its explosive growth and development since the turn of the 20th century. Analysis focuses on the movement’s historical antecedents and context, theological developments, and global expansion. Attention also concentrates on the unique Canadian story and the emergence and development of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

PS303Pastoral Life

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEPS303

This course examines how a healthy pastoral life can be achieved through defining one’s personal call, developing one’s character components to reflect more thoroughly the attitude and actions of Jesus the Pastor, and deploying personal spiritual disciplines which enhance overall personal wholeness.This course centers on the personal issues of vocational call, character transformation (spiritual formation), and compassion/care assessment. Class members will be introduced to spiritual training exercises, experiences, and relationships that will assist them to become a daily “apprentice of Jesus, the Pastor” in a practical fashion. Prerequisite: Pastoral Letters


Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

This course will examine strategies and practices for presenting Christ and developing theology in varied contextual realities to make disciples and develop the community of faith. The material will focus on engaging world religions and diverse cultures with appropriate means to present the gospel message and biblical theology.

Fall Courses

BT4011 Corinthians

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT401

The book of 1 Corinthians deals with some of the most difficult issues in the New Testament that are still relevant to our context today. This course explores the background, issues, and purpose of this Pauline letter, as well as how it fits into the overall story of Scripture. Paul wrote the letter of 1 Corinthians to a terribly divided church, where immorality, pride, divorce, cliques, sensationalism, and false teaching threatened the church’s very existence. Written to address these specific problems, Paul’s letter is theologically grounded and eminently practical. Throughout the course, we will explore the meaning and significance of Paul’s letter for us today.

FE416Internship: Global Pastoral Ministry

Class Time: 9 hours | Credits: 9.00


GS401Christian Ethics

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEGS401

Ethics is the study of right and wrong. This course examines various approaches to Christian ethics and moral decision making. It also explores several ethical issues that impact the Church and society. Extensive classroom discussion is used to supplement lecture material. Students are encouraged to think critically and search the Scriptures to decide for themselves what is or is not ethical.Prerequisite: Philisophy

PS304Finance, Governance, and Administration

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEPS304

This course equips the students with entry-level skills in assessing the financial and operational health of a local church, delivering proper preparation and guidance to formal organizational meetings, and managing the resources needed for a small business environment.

Winter Courses

BT405Senior Theology: Mission of God

Class Time: 3 hrs | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT405

Mission is a central focus in the Bible, answering the question, “What are people on earth for?” Students will be immersed in the biblical-theological roots of God’s mission in both the Old and New Testaments and the transforming vision of God’s purpose and plan for His people. Emphasis will be placed on the relevancy of God’s mission for the church today. What are the missional priorities for leaders and for every individual Christian believer? The mission of God will be related to the complex contemporary issues facing the church today such as religious pluralism, inclusivism, urbanization, migration, global poverty, and climate change. Prerequisite: Theology 3: Ecclesiology/Eschatology

BT406Johannine Literature

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT406

This course examines all the writings of John, including the Gospel of John, his three epistles, and the book of Revelation. Issues of authorship, genre, purpose, unity, and common themes will be explored, as will the unique message of each. Because of its simplicity, John’s gospel has often been the first writings that Christians read, while its depths are mined by Christians of all ages. The epistles establish a love for God and others that is firmly grounded in the truth of the gospel. Although many are confused by and fearful of Revelation, we will study how it brings clarity, hope, and a fitting conclusion to the overall message of Scripture.

BT408Expository Presentation

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00

Online Course Code DEBT408

This course underscores the centrality of the Word of God in the church. Students will develop effective Biblical communication through three major components. First, students will learn the expository preaching method, which takes the main idea of a Scriptural text and makes it the focal point of the message. While a particular outline will be taught, an emphasis on variety in presentation is stressed. Secondly, using advanced hermeneutical principles, students will learn the process of developing a message; from choosing a text to its presentation. Thirdly, students will apply the principles learned by presenting a message from the book of Hebrews. Prerequisite: Homiletics

BT4xxOld Testament Elective

Class Time: 3 hrs | Credits: 3.00

See degree audit

PS412Senior Integrative Seminar - Global Pastoral Ministry

Class Time: 3 hours | Credits: 3.00


Meet the team

View all staff
Mark MacKnight

Rev. Mark MacKnight, MTS

President, Global Pastoral Program Director

Mark brings over 30 years of pastoral experience to His role as director. He has personally experienced and exercised his pastoral gift in many settings from a staff pastor, youth pastor to lead pastor. He has served in rural, suburban to urban settings. He now finds it a great privilege to pastor future pastors/leaders. Married to his best friend Pam, they have two great children, Rachel and James, both involved in ministry. Mark’s desire and passion is to encounter the God of unlimited resources who has big plans for His Church and the next generation of leaders.

Val Rutten

Rev. Val Rutten, MTh

Missions Specialist

Val and Brian have been serving as PAOC missionaries since 1989, being called to Ethiopia in 1992. Val coordinates the ChildCARE Plus program caring for more than 1500 homeless children and teaches at the Bible College.

Brian Rutten

Rev. Brian Rutten, MTh

Missions Specialist

Brian and Val have been serving as PAOC missionaries since 1989, being called to Ethiopia in 1992. Since then they have been part of this incredible revival. Brian gives overall leadership to the work: teaching, preaching, training leaders, disciplining new converts and raising up church planters who are reaching all across North Africa.