Course Catalogue

Biblical Studies Courses (BT)

BT4011 Corinthians

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT401

This course involves a detailed analysis of the book of I Corinthians as it was received by the original audience and as it applies to the 21st century audience. Using a contextual /wholistic approach to the text, the class will have opportunity to understand and apply eternal scriptural principles to such ongoing life issues as human sexuality, interpersonal relationships, usage of spiritual giftings, marriage and divorce issues, matters of personal liberty, and several other continuing church life matters.

BT306Biblical Theology: Luke-Acts

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT306

This course is a biblical exposition of the pneumatology in Lukan literature. It evaluates the relevant Lukan data narratively, grammatically, contextually, and canonically, paying particular attention to the way Luke portrays Jesus in the continuing story of God’s salvation plan. It will look at the different perspectives and ways of approaching Luke-Acts, paying close attention to the significant themes of salvation, empowerment for mission, and judgment. Modern interpreters of Lukan pneumatology will be critically evaluated. The OT background will also be appreciated at each step. A major concern of the course will be the relevancy of Luke’s message for us today.

BT408Expository Presentation

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT408

This course instructs students how to design and deliver expository messages. As opposed to topical preaching, anecdotal preaching, biographical preaching of textual preaching, students will be taught the expository preaching method, which takes the point of the Scriptural text and makes it the point of the sermon. Students will prepare expository messages to be preached in class, in turn, enjoy the benefits of peer evaluation. Prerequisite: Homiletics


Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT104

This course is an introduction to the Gospels. It will focus on the four canonical gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Issues relating to the synoptic problem will be explored, as well as the unique contribution of each gospel. The literary nature of the gospels will be examined, exploring the gospels as story, as well as their theological impact. As the title implies, this course will emphasize our response to the gospels: what it means to follow Jesus. The focal point the Gospels have within God’s progressive revelation will be emphasized, as well as the integral part they play in personal, relational, and ministerial contexts.


Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT302

For 3000 years Jewish and Christian communities have used the Book of Psalms in their worship. From lament to praise, the entire human experience is brought before God in this book. This course surveys different methods of studying these ancient prayers so that students can fully engage them in their own spiritual and theological formation, as well as within the liturgy of the church.


Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT102

This course is designed to acquaint the student with the purpose and methods of responsible biblical interpretation. This course will look at both general hermeneutics, principles for interpreting Scripture as a whole, special hermeneutics, and the principles for understanding and interpreting the various genres and literary devices that are present in the Bible. A secondary, but essential, emphasis will be given to the role of the Spirit in interpreting the text of Scripture.

BT304Historical Literature: Joshua-Esther

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT304

A study of the Old Testament historical narratives from Joshua to Esther and the history of Israel’s Conquest, Settlement, Exile and Restoration. The course will examine the key themes, critical issues, overall message and the character of God as revealed in these books and how these can be exegeted, interpreted, communicated and applied. Attention will also be given to the place of the historical books within God’s progressive revelation, and their relevance for Christians today.

BT103Introduction to Personal Formation

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT103

This course introduces to the person and work of the Holy Spirit. We will look at the Holy Spirit’s work in salvation, water baptism, and communion as well as the baptism of the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Practical and experiential attention will be given to the nine fruit and gifts of the Spirit as lived out in our personal lives and corporate life of the church. A small group component is also a major part of the course.

BT406Johannine Literature and Revelation

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT406

Among the most beloved of all Scriptural books, John’s writings continue to inspire intimacy between God and His people, calling everyone to make Jesus the centre of their lives. This senior level course covers primarily the Gospel of John and the Johannine epistles, 1, 2, 3 John, with only secondary consideration to Revelation. The purpose of each of John’s writings is examined, specifically regarding common themes, vocabulary, and style. An exegetical study of the Gospel will include exploring the structure, discourses, signs, key statements of Jesus, the passion account, and fulfilment of the Old Testament.

BT301Pastoral Letters

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT301

The first of a trilogy in pastoral studies, this course uses the books of I and II Timothy and Titus to build a Biblical template for healthy lifestyles, and for the carrying out of contemporary pastoral responsibilities.


Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT201

The book of Romans is crucial in understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this course, students explore the rich truths of justification, salvation, and sanctification and other significant topics both exegetical and theological studies of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. It is the intent of the instructor to look at the various details and application of the Gospel as taught by the Apostle Paul in this great epistle. This course is designed to teach the student how to interpret and apply the book of Romans in their ministry context and to be challenged, inspired, and equipped in his or her own spiritual walk.


Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT202

In this course students will be introduced to the content and significance of the first five books of the Bible. Attention will be given to key themes and exegetical issues, including how themes introduced in the Pentateuch are developed throughout the rest of the Bible. Classes will focus on interpreting and applying the course content to the student’s lives and ministries.

BT405Senior Theology: Mission of God

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT405

Mission is a central focus in the Bible, answering the question, “What are people on earth for?” Students will be immersed in the biblical-theological roots of God’s mission in both the Old and New Testaments and the transforming vision of God’s purpose and plan for His people. Particular emphasis will be placed on the relevancy of God’s mission for the church, its leaders, and individual Christian believers. The mission of God will be related to the complex contemporary issues facing the church today. Prerequisite: Theology 3: Ecclesiology/Eschatology

BT101The Bible As Story

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT101

This entry level course is designed to demonstrate the importance and relevancy of the whole Bible. For many, it is a mystery how the Old Testament is related to the New Testament. Some think the former is a source of unrelated devotional stories, laws, and prophecies. In truth, the two testaments are the complete story of God’s progressive plan for his people. There can be no real understanding of the New Testament without a clear view of the overall message of the Old Testament. It is the purpose of this course to concisely trace the story of Scripture, and to help students build a central foundation with which they can understand, interpret, and apply God’s Word to their lives today.

BT402The Prophets: Isaiah

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT402

This course has two main components: First a study on the prophets of Israel will overview the prophetic history, and then especially the background, purpose, and literary genre of the writing prophets of Isaiah through Malachi; secondly, a study of the book of Isaiah will consume three quarters of the course. Isaiah’s historical background, structure, and major themes will be explored. Particular attention will be placed on the Servant of the Lord. Isaiah’s place within the metanarrative will be emphasized, as well as its significance and application for Christians in the world today.

BT403The Prophets: Jeremiah

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT403

This course has two main components: First a study on the prophets of Israel will overview the prophetic history, and then especially the background, purpose, and literary genre of the writing prophets of Isaiah through Malachi; secondly, a study of the book of Jeremiah will consume three quarters of the course. Jeremiah’s historical background, structure, and major themes will be explored, with particular attention on the New Covenant prophesied by Jeremiah. Jeremiah’s place within the metanarrative will be emphasized, as well as its significance and application for Christians in the world today.

BT105Theology 1 – God and the Human Condition

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT105

The purpose of this course is to examine the teaching of the Bible and develop a systematic theology that addresses four important themes: the Word of God, the doctrine of God, biblical anthropology, and the doctrine of sin. Efforts will be made to explain how these themes are developed through promise and fulfilment from Genesis to Revelation.

BT205Theology 2 – Christology/Soteriology

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT205

The purpose of this course is to give the student a thorough perspective on two of the greatest pillars of the Christian faith: Christology and Soteriology. The study of the nature, life, and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ along with a truly biblical understanding of the nature of our salvation is an essential part of forming a biblical basis for the student’s faith in our Lord and a foundation for effective ministry in the future. This course emphasizes the central place that Jesus has in God’s continuing plan of salvation and that by believing in Him, we find our place within the story. Prerequisite: Theology 1: God and the Human Condition

BT305Theology 3 – Ecclesiology/Eschatology

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT305

This course is a study of the church and last things from a Biblical theological perspective. The church is seen as a divinely established entity through which God’s people have their beginning, and develop identity and fellowship with God. Last things are studied with a focus on the eschatological hope of God’s people from the time of the Patriarchs to the time of Christ and the New Testament Church. Prerequisite: Theology 1: God and the Human Condition

BT303Wisdom Literature

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBT303

This course will examine all of the Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. Their collective purpose in the canon of Scripture will be explored, as will their individual perspective and contribution. While all of them affirm the centrality of the fear of the Lord, they focus on different questions and address unique problems that arise as one seeks to live within God’s story. Together and individually, they are indispensable for God’s people in learning to live righteously and pleasing to God in every sphere of life.

General Studies Courses (GS)

GS341Abnormal Psychology

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS341

This course is designed to provide an in-depth look into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association 2013) and a variety of it’s psychiatric diagnoses including: depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, substance related disorders, personality disorders and neurodevelopment disorders. Students will learn a multidimensional conceptualization of mental health, assessment, diagnosis and treatment while examining a variety of theoretical perspectives. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology (GS203)

GS201Biblical Language Usage

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS201

This course is a basic introduction to the biblical languages—Greek and Hebrew—and to the tools with which the student can study the Scriptures more effectively. Beginning with an appreciation for the nature and challenges of working with the original languages of our Scriptures, the student will be equipped with the skills necessary for the proper use of language and interpretive tools such as concordances, lexicons, word-studies, critical commentaries, and computer software. A comprehensive walk through of the Logos Library System is undertaken. An essential part of the course is the integration of language tools with the preparation of Bible studies and sermons.

GS206Child and Adolescent Development

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS206

This course is an overview of the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of children and adolescents (conception to age 18). Attention will also be given to how understanding developmental psychology impacts ministry and spiritual development. Prerequisite: Introduction to Pyschology

GS401Christian Ethics

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS401

Ethics is the study of right and wrong. This course examines six major approaches to ethics, three Christian, and three non-Christian, with emphasis placed on the former. It then reviews several hotly debated ethical issues in our society, including abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, homosexuality, pacifism/war, and divorce and remarriage. Extensive classroom discussion and debates are used to supplement lecture material. Students are encouraged to think critically and search the Scriptures to decide for themselves what is or is not ethical.

GS204Church History

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS204

This is a survey course to introduce the student to the history of the Christian church primarily focusing on renewal and revival movements. This course examines the history of the church as it developed from the apostles to the present era. The course objective is to thoroughly acquaint the student with the historical and theological development of key figures, movements, and doctrines.

GS151Cross Cultural Communication

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS151

This course will address principles and processes to understand cross cultural interaction and communications. The course will provide an understanding of the essential components of communication to avoid pitfalls in cross cultural communication that can render ministry ineffective at best and disastrous at worst. It is designed to equip the student with understanding of cross cultural communication and the needed skills to be effective in developing friendships and healthy relationships to communicate effectively and accurately.

GS207English Composition

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS207

This course aims to help students improve all their communication skills: Writing, reading, speaking, and listening. The main emphasis, however, is on writing skills. Students work through the steps of writing a research project, summarize written text, and apply principles of clear and correct writing to their own compositions. Students learn research and documentation strategies and strengthen and expand their writing skills so that they can write more effectively for a variety of audiences and purposes.

GS361Faith Worship and Pop Culture

Class Time: 3 hrs

Popular culture is full of compelling stories influencing the shape of our lives. How does this culture of storytelling influence our faith and our worship? What cultural stories are shaping us and our worship? What are appropriate ways of engaging in popular culture as people of faith? A thoughtful and thought-provoking exploration of our popular culture and the church’s place in it may surprise us.

GS1xxGS1xx: Communications Elective

Class Time: 3 hrs

To be approved by the faculty advisor.

GS1xxGS1xx: Social Science Elective

Class Time: 3 hrs

To be approved by the faculty advisor.

GS261Historical Foundations of Christian Worship

Class Time: 3 hrs

Christian worship has a rich and diverse history. This course will assist students in the development of a theological understanding of worship as it relates to the Bible and Christian practice over the past twenty centuries. Special emphasis will be placed on the more recent development of current worship trends related to music.

GS402History of Pentecostalism

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS402

This course charts the development of the Pentecostal movement from its origins in the Holiness movement of the nineteenth century to the present. It is intended to provide students with an understanding of the Pentecostal faith and of the Pentecostal movement of today.

GS205Human Development

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS205

This course is designed to provide an in-depth account of human development across the life span. It will examine the biological, cognitive and psychosocial approach that has guided the complexity of human development. Students will be given an opportunity to apply a variety of developmental theories to age related changes in behaviour, thinking, emotions, personalities and social relationships in relation to maturational processes, individual differences and cultural expectations. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology (GS203)

GS101Interpersonal Communication

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS101

Interpersonal Communication is designed to increase an individual’s understanding and implementation of effective interpersonal communication behaviors and skills. This course will help the student as they begin to understand communication and to assist them into becoming an effective and creative communicator. Verbal and nonverbal concepts affecting the communication process between individuals in various interpersonal contexts will be explored. Various models, methods, theories, and practices of communication will be examined, as well as participation in written and verbal activities designed to develop and improve interpersonal skills.

GS203Introduction to Psychology

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS203

This course introduces the field of psychology, which includes a survey of topics including biology, psychological disorders, motivation, learning, conditioning, and social behaviour. It uses interactive means to address these topics in a format that should help the student to remember them.


Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS 301

An investigation into several main areas of philosophy, including: Metaphysics (what is the nature of ultimate reality?), Epistemology (what is knowledge?), Axiology (the study of values), Logic (critical thinking and forms of argument), and Philosophy of Religion. It will help students think critically about and clearly explain to others why they believe what they believe.

GS3102Philosophy of Worship

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS1108

This course is a study in the scriptural and historical understanding of praise and worship. Students will explore worship in various musical contexts, in its worldview and as a lifestyle, as well as worship leadership and the challenges of music ministry.

GS362Philosophy of Worship Arts

Class Time: 3 hrs

The arts have always been central to worship expression. This course will explore the biblical and historical ways that art has been used to express the church’s worship and expand our vision for how the arts can be incorporated in the corporate worship of God for today. Students will discover how a robust expression of the arts (including but not limited to music, movement, visual, and architecture) can be integrated in corporate worship for the modern church.

GS1122World Religions

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEBS0101

This course is an introductory survey of some of the major religions of the world. Participants will develop a broad, basic knowledge of these religions. The underlying theme will be to engage adherents of these faiths in a meaningful dialogue - whilst defending orthodox Christianity. The intention is to discuss and debate from a position of humility, respect and genuine care. There will be an emphasis on skill development for engaging others in a meaningful discussion.

GS102Worldviews and Contemporary Culture

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEGS102

An exploration of worldviews as intellectual, behavioural, and value systems in relation to culture. These powerful forces shape the lives of people often without clear reflection on the part of the holder. A person’s worldview has a huge influence on identity formation. Therefore, it is crucial to increase awareness and purposeful development of our worldview.

Professional Studies Courses (PS)

PS332Administration of Children & Family Ministry

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS332

This course will help students gain proficiency in organization and administration by helping them take a closer look at ministry to children and their families in the local church in order to evaluate and improve it. Special attention will be given to recruiting and developing volunteers, budgeting, evaluating check-in systems and software, and developing risk management policies and procedures. Prerequisite: Teaching Methods and Theories of Learning

PS341Advanced Counselling

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS341

This is a study of advanced counselling processes and techniques. Emphasis will be on practical application of counselling skills including one on one counselling, small group leadership skill building, documentation, and specific issues related to personal and relational health. The course also includes a 12 hour seminar for recognizing and managing suicidal risk for which the participating student will receive a certificate. Prerequisite: PS302

PS261Advanced Music Theory and Eartraining

Class Time: 3 hrs

This course is a continuation of the fundamentals of music theory and focuses on both written and aural work relative to harmony and melody. Through analysis and written assignments, students will learn the very basics of diatonic harmony and learn simple formal structures. Basic harmonic functions as well as phrase structure and embellishing tones will be covered. In addition, students will be taught various methods for ear training to develop their musicianship and enhance their learning and understanding of theory and harmony. Sight-singing, dictation of melody, rhythm, and harmony will be covered. Prerequisite: Introductory Music Theory (PS163)


Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS351

This course will examine strategies and practices for presenting Christ and developing theology in varied contextual realities to make disciples and develop the community of faith. The material will focus on engaging world religions and diverse cultures with appropriate means to present the gospel message and biblical theology.

PS231Curriculum Design and Development

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS231

Churches have many good curriculum options to choose from, but with this blessing also come some challenges: How do they evaluate and choose a curriculum? If they decide to write their own, how do they go about it? How can they adapt what they already use to better meet their needs? Students will explore these and other questions that surround the exciting challenge of what churches teach children. Prerequisite: Teaching Methods and Theories of Learning

PS352Enculturation and Language Learning

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code PS352

In this course students will learn the skills needed to work and serve effectively in cross-cultural settings. They will develop the cultural competency required to not only understand and respect cultural difference, but to move beyond them to get things done. The course seeks to assist global workers to appreciate cultural difference and learn how to experience cross-cultural life and service as they flourish while working with others from diverse cultural backgrounds. An important dimension of enculturation is language learning strategies to generate a positive approach to this demand and skills to learn new languages will be introduced.

PS101Foundations of Family Ministry

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS101

This course will examine contemporary family life in and out of the church, and it’s biblical purpose. Students will study the idea of a holistic family ministry model as well as the importance of an intergenerational mindset for church ministry. This course will include current strategies for various ministries that involve the family.

PS151Global Worker: Principles and Practice

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS151

This course addresses the many issues that the cross cultural missionary worker faces to prepare for effective service. Biblical, current and practical perspectives will be explored. It will equip the student for a life of fruitful cross cultural ministry in Canada or internationally. Global Worker: Principles and Practises will include a focus on spiritual warfare, ministry gifting as well as marriage and family issues as they relate to mission life. Practical steps needed to go from where you are to effective global ministry will be explored.

PS251Holistic Mission Engagement

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS251

This course seeks to understand and integrate the biblical principles of evangelism, conversion, and personal salvation with the biblical mandate for compassion and social concerns. A brief survey of the historical and current trends will be presented to help understand the complexity of the issues, and help the students develop methods to accomplish a biblically sound holistic gospel message that impacts nations. Students will gain insights on how to plant the gospel into communities, empowering the church of the host country to engage in balanced holistic ministry that affects the whole person.


Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS201

This course seeks to establish the vital role of preaching in the life of the church, with a passionate appeal towards biblically based preaching. Class participants will have an opportunity to learn about sermon formation, styles of sermons, manuscript preparation styles, as well as the physical act of preaching. This class becomes very much a community based experience as students have the opportunity to observe each other, learn from and encourage one another in this unique privilege of preaching God’s Word. Highly interactive, there is significant emphasis on the role and responsibility of preaching. Prerequisite: Hermeneutics

PS162Introduction to Worship Leading

Class Time: 3 hrs

The central role of any worship leader today is pastoral. Leading God’s people in song and prayer requires an approach that is rooted in God’s story, pastoral, and participatory. This course is designed to introduce a variety of aspects related to designing and leading a worship service while cultivating a pastoral heart for worship ministry.

PS163Introductory Music Theory

Class Time: 3 hrs

This course will introduce students to the theory of music, providing them with the skills needed to read and write Western music notation, as well as to understand, analyze, and listen. It will cover material such as pitches and scales, intervals, clefs, rhythm, form, meter, phrases and cadences, and basic harmony. Students are required to complete this course with a grade of 80% course in order to continue on to PS261 Advanced Music Theory and Ear Training.

PS102Leadership & Team Dynamics

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS102

Throughout our lives, and in varying degrees we both give and follow leadership. In other words, we both have and submit to authority. Given that leadership and followership are so inseparable and mutually influential, this course explores how followers can set healthy relationships with their leaders and teammates through clarifying personal values and effective observation skills.

PS301Leadership: Systems and Services

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS301

This course will examine the elements of effective management within multiple dimensions of holistic Christian ministry settings. Attention will be given to establishing a foundation for the understanding of the essential functions of management, individual and collective performance, organizational systems, governance, change issues and the stewardship of resources, human as well as financial. Students will also be challenged to apply their leadership learning in internship experiences, as well as in practicing and learning how to lead people through transformative life experiences like sacraments/ordinances, water baptism, child dedication, weddings and funerals.

PS262Live Production Design

Class Time: 3 hrs

This course will develop your skills in the use of the digital sound board and other areas of live production. The emphasis will be on the practical workings of a sound system integrating theoretical explanations when clarification is needed. We will use real world applications whenever appropriate.

PS141Ministry Foundations for Care and Counselling

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS141

This introductory course is intended to help the student develop self-awareness in order to understand influences such as family background and personal issues that may affect them in caregiving & counselling situations. It provides encouragement and opportunity to further develop their walk with Jesus and their ability to listen to Him through spiritual disciplines and changes in thought. It also provides skills to effectively communicate essential truths about themselves and their faith in meaningful ways.

PS312Missional Vitality: Community Engagement

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS312

This course will focus extensively on the outward relationship with our neighbours, the call to go into all the world and make disciples, with the intention to equip Christ followers to personally engage their neighbours and neighbourhoods. Through class lectures reading, field trips, guest presenters and assignments, students will have the opportunity to explore strategies, initiatives, partnerships and practices that facilitate that outward orientation. Emphasis will be placed on ensuring that the church is committed to a posture of being empowered and led by the Holy Spirit, believing that God has already gone before us and is at work in our communities.

PS441PCC Master Class

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS441

Borrowing a term from the music world, this class takes students who have spent several years working on pastoral care & counselling skills and refines their skills further. Recognizing that the counsellor him or herself is the instrument of this skill, the course consists of four components: 1. Caring for your instrument (developing longevity). 2. Understanding your instrument (personal gifting and challenges). 3. Building counselling skills. 4. Learning by watching other masters in the field. Prerequisite: Internship: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry (FE445)

PS302Pastoral Counselling

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS302

This course is an introduction to the preparation, philosophy, theology, and skills of the pastoral counsellor. It addresses issues and situations commonly faced in the pastor’s office. Practical application of the principles and skills learned during lectures will be applied through various experiences and integrative assignments. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology (GS203)

PS303Pastoral Life

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS303

Using a wide range of active pastoral input, this study examines how a healthy pastoral life can be achieved through defining one’s personal call, developing one’s character components to reflect more thoroughly the attitude and actions of Jesus the Pastor, and deploying personal spiritual disciplines which enhance overall personal wholeness. Building on the biblical template found in the Pastoral Letters, this course centers on the personal issues of vocational call, character transformation (spiritual formation), and compassion/care assessment. Class members will be introduced to spiritual training exercises, experiences, and relationships that will assist them in a practical fashion.

PS461Pastoral Worship Leadership

Class Time: 3 hrs

Worship arts ministry involves more than just leading music from a platform. Worship pastors are involved in a variety of tasks related to leading a worship arts ministry. This senior seminar course explores the connection between worship theology, worship praxis, worship education and the administration of a worship arts ministry. Prerequisite: Internship: Worship Arts Ministry (FE465)

PS342Psychology of Addictions

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS342

This course is an introduction to the theories, models and skills involved in the basic understanding of addiction and in the helping of individuals struggling with mental health and addiction issues. Special emphasis will be placed on the practical application of the principles and skills learned during lectures through in-class experiences and integrative assignments. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology

PS411Senior Integrative Seminar-Pastoral Ministry

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS411

This study is the third in a trilogy of courses revolving around living and leading a healthy pastoral lifestyle. Building on the Pastoral Letters and Pastoral Life Studies, this course gives practical guidance in preparation for your future ministry beyond college, focusing on the training and tools to create/build sound Christian community. The course is built on a ‘seminar’ model, with a distinct conversational nature, taking place in class, engaging with guests, on the road with skilled leaders in a variety of Canadian contexts, as well as the completion of the Birkman Assessment, including a 60 minute personal one on one debrief as well as a four hour team debrief. Prerequisite: DEFE415

PS431Senior Integrative Seminar: Children and Family Ministry

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS431

This course is designed to prepare students for the complexities of ministry to children and their families. Class discussions will focus on what it means to be a children’s pastor as well as identifying and discussing key issues and challenges faced by leaders in these areas of ministry. Students are expected to integrate the knowledge and skills gained in their course of study thus far into these discussions. Prerequisite: DEFE435

PS263Songwriting Theory and Application

Class Time: 3 hrs

Songwriting can be achieved in many different forms. Through new found theory knowledge, students will establish a foundation in perspective songwriting, arrangement, and unique forms of creative arts. While this course leads in songwriting, theory and arrangement, students will develop strengths in song analysis and leadership in writing as worship artists. Prerequisite: Advanced Music Theory and Eartraining (PS261)

PS333Special Needs Ministry in the Church.

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS333


PS451Special Topics: Contemporary Missions Strategies

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS451

The course will cover topics of contemporary mission strategies. Current strategies and efforts that are effective globally will be discussed and evaluated to develop strategies for effective fruitful mission engagement into the future. A special emphasis will be placed on understanding and recognizing the impact that mission efforts from the developing world that are currently having. A study of ways that the western church can engage effectively with the larger body of Christ to reach unreached areas and together expand the kingdom of God. Students will be exposed to a variety of effective practitioners from the global community. Prerequisite: DEFE455

PS131Teaching Methods & Theories of Learning

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS131

Students will be introduced to the basic theories, concepts, and principles of educational psychology and the different ways people learn. We will be discussing how these impact our methods, what motivates people to learn, and other factors that affect teaching and learning. Insights gained will be compared with biblical principles to help students formulate their own biblical theology of teaching and learning and help them choose the best methods to use in a particular learning situation.

PS202The Art of Pastoral Care

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS202

This course is an experiential and critical exploration of pastoral care. Care giving in a faith community is by its nature a theological activity, drawing on religious tradition, social sciences, theology and the gifts of the people involved. In pastoral care giving, the integration of person, faith, belief, method and practice is foundational. Prerequisite: Introduction to Pyschology

PS161Theology of Worship

Class Time: 3 hrs

This course is an introduction to the biblical foundations of the role of worship in the ministry of the local church. A prominent worship theologian writes that worship sings, tells, and enacts God’s Story. A survey of worship throughout the story of God will engage students in an investigation of practical, theological and philosophical issues related to Christian worship practices.

PS321Youth Apologetics and Evangelism

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS321

This course will assist students in acquiring a structure for Christian apologetics as well be introduced to a logical defense of the Christian faith. Students will explore and analyze various models and methodologies for both apologetics and evangelism in a postmodern society. This course will put emphasis on understanding and teaching apologetics and evangelism in a youth ministry context.

PS221Youth Issues and Problem Solving

Class Time: 3 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS221

An intensive examination of issues particular to youth culture and ministry today. This course takes into consideration the numerous external and internal factors that affect youth today as the class focuses on the interaction of theology, culture and strategy into youth ministry. This course is designed to prepare the student for the complexities of youth ministry today, by analyzing approaches to dealing with key issues and solutions to typical problems youth pastors face. An emphasis will be placed on problem solving techniques, and practical application of theory to real life situations. The course will also attempt to address the concerns of the students involved.

Field Education (FE) On Campus

FE000Field Education – Christian Ministry

Class Time: 1 hrs

Field Education for Christian Ministry students is electives. Each year, students can choose their field education from one of the following options: – Children’s and Family Ministry – Missions – Pastoral – Pastoral Care and Counselling – Worship Arts – Youth These options, as well as any other preferences, will need to be discussed with the faculty adviser.

FE0001Internship – Christian Ministry

Class Time: 6 hrs

Internship for Christian Ministry students is electives. Students can choose their internship from one of the following options: – Children’s and Family Ministry – Missions – Pastoral – Pastoral Care and Counselling – Worship Arts – Youth These options, as well as any other preferences, will need to be discussed with the faculty adviser.

FE445Internship – Pastoral Care & Counselling Ministry

Class Time: 6 hrs

Online Course Code DEFE445

Upon completion of the Pastoral Care and Counselling skill building courses, the student will work in a placement that allows them ongoing opportunity to use and refine those skills. Opportunities will require them to use a combination of pastoral care and counselling skills within the context of the local church or other centres that provide faith-based help to those who are struggling with various life issues. This will take place in the context of one-on-one interaction, group work, or a combination of the two. Students are required to complete a minimum of 400 hours of pastoral care & counselling services. Prerequisite: Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 3 Winter

FE415Internship – Pastoral Ministry

Class Time: 6 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS3503

Third year pastoral studies students will continue to develop the practical skills needed in the area of pastoral ministry. Practical experience is gained in ministry management skills, preaching and teaching, as well as relational ministry in the areas of evangelism and discipleship. Students are required to complete a minimum of 400 hours of service in the local church setting. Prerequisite: Practicum: Pastoral Ministry – Year 3 Winter

FE425Internship – Youth Ministry

Class Time: 6 hrs

Online Course Code DEPS3581

Internship combines classroom instruction and field experience. The focus of classroom component is music, recreation and drama for youth ministries This practical course emphasizes youth ministry programming for the purpose of building community. Course assignments are expected to be completed in the context of youth ministry. Students will complete a minimum of 400 hours of service in local church, community, or campus ministries. Prerequisite: Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 3 Winter

FE435Internship: Children’s and Family Ministry

Class Time: 6 hrs

Online Course Code DEFE435

The focus of this practicum course is to gain practical experience through an internship opportunity and continue to be transformed by the gospel. More intensive than a practicum, students are challenged to serve in a children or family ministry that will provide various opportunities to grow as a servant-leader. The course content will be presented and discussed in classes. Each student will also have the opportunity to develop his/her ministry skills by receiving one-on-one mentoring from the instructor throughout the year. The annual CFM ministry trip is optional during the internship year. Prerequisite: Practicum: Children’s and Family Ministry – Year 3 Winter

FE455Internship: Intercultural Ministry

Class Time: 6 hrs

Online Course Code DEFE455

The Missions Internship is a minimum 10 week (400 hours) cross- cultural experience. The student will build upon the first-year cross-cultural team experience and 2nd year placement. Emphasis is placed on experiencing the life and work of a missionary in a supervised setting that will begin to prepare the student for a life of missions. Prerequisite: Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 3 Winter

FE465Internship: Worship Arts Ministry

Class Time: 1 hrs

The worship arts internship is a concentrated commitment in the area of music and worship leadership in the local church. Theoretical principles learned in the classroom are applied practically in the local church setting. Prerequisite: Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 3 Winter

FE131Practicum: Children and Family Ministry – Year 1 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

The focus of this practicum course is to gain practical experience through exposure to children & family ministries in the church and the community. This course is developed to integrate biblical principles with the current issues and needs of children and families in our community. Opportunities throughout the practicum will provide greater awareness of resources needed to meet ministry goals and challenges. The course content will be presented and discussed in classes. During labs, there will be opportunities for practice based on practicum assignments and projects. Students are required to prepare for and participate in the annual CFM ministry trip.

FE132Practicum: Children and Family Ministry – Year 1 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

The focus of this practicum course is to gain practical experience through exposure to children & family ministries in the church and the community. This course is developed to integrate biblical principles with the current issues and needs of children and families in our community. Opportunities throughout the practicum will provide greater awareness of resources needed to meet ministry goals and challenges. The course content will be presented and discussed in classes. During labs, there will be opportunities for practice based on practicum assignments and projects. Students are required to prepare for and participate in the annual CFM ministry trip.

FE231Practicum: Children and Family Ministry – Year 2 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

The student’s skill development in children’s ministry will be addressed, building on insights from the Introductory Practicum. These skills will be honed throughout the year through practical assignments and class critique and discussion of assigned readings. Particular attention will be given to how leaders can provide pastoral care for children in crisis and how to help children develop a vibrant faith in good and bad times in their lives. Prerequisite: Practicum: Children and Family Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE232Practicum: Children and Family Ministry – Year 2 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

The student’s skill development in children’s ministry will be addressed, building on insights from the Introductory Practicum. These skills will be honed throughout the year through practical assignments and class critique and discussion of assigned readings. Particular attention will be given to how leaders can provide pastoral care for children in crisis and how to help children develop a vibrant faith in good and bad times in their lives. Prerequisite: Practicum: Children and Family Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE331Practicum: Children and Family Ministry – Year 3 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

The emphasis of this practicum will be in the fourth year student’s continued skill development and growth in the area of Children’s and Family Ministry. This final pastoral practicum will focus on the skills involved in leading and developing a strong volunteer and staff team. This practicum is designed to give students the skills and confidence they need to take a leadership role in Children’s and Family Ministry either in a local church or para-church organization. Prerequisite: Practicum: Children and Family Ministry – Year 2 Winter

FE332Practicum: Children and Family Ministry – Year 3 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

The emphasis of this practicum will be in the fourth year student’s continued skill development and growth in the area of Children’s and Family Ministry. This final pastoral practicum will focus on the skills involved in leading and developing a strong volunteer and staff team. This practicum is designed to give students the skills and confidence they need to take a leadership role in Children’s and Family Ministry either in a local church or para-church organization. Prerequisite: Practicum: Children and Family Ministry – Year 2 Winter

FE151Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 1 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

This practicum is designed to help the student gain awareness of and insights into some of the most amazing things God is doing around the world in mission work. The focus will be threefold. First, introductory spiritual disciplines for mission life. Second, special guests who are effective, international practitioners in their field of planting Urban Churches globally that are nationally influential change agents. The third area is effectively reaching the Muslim world with a guest that is currently deeply engaged and world renown in this field.

FE152Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 1 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

This practicum is designed to help the student gain awareness of and insights into some of the most amazing things God is doing around the world in mission work. The focus will be threefold. First, introductory spiritual disciplines for mission life. Second, special guests who are effective, international practitioners in their field of planting Urban Churches globally that are nationally influential change agents. The third area is effectively reaching the Muslim world with a guest that is currently deeply engaged and world renown in this field.

FE251Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 2 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

This practicum is designed to help the student gain awareness of and insights into some of the most amazing things God is doing around the world in mission work. The focus will be threefold. First, introductory spiritual disciplines for mission life. Second, special guests who are effective, international practitioners in their field of planting Urban Churches globally that are nationally influential change agents. The third area is effectively reaching the Muslim world with a guest that is currently deeply engaged and world renown in this field. Prerequisite: Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE252Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 2 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

This practicum is designed to help the student gain awareness of and insights into some of the most amazing things God is doing around the world in mission work. The focus will be threefold. First, introductory spiritual disciplines for mission life. Second, special guests who are effective, international practitioners in their field of planting Urban Churches globally that are nationally influential change agents. The third area is effectively reaching the Muslim world with a guest that is currently deeply engaged and world renown in this field. Prerequisite: Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE351Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 3 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

A final supervised opportunity to put your education into practice. Work in a local church with the missions program promoting and organizing missions projects or developing missions leadership skills. Don’t worry; three years of missions training in the Intercultural Ministry program will have given you the tools you need to partner with a local church gaining practical experience. Prerequisite: Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 2 Winter

FE352Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 3 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

A final supervised opportunity to put your education into practice. Work in a local church with the missions program promoting and organizing missions projects or developing missions leadership skills. Don’t worry; three years of missions training in the Intercultural Ministry program will have given you the tools you need to partner with a local church gaining practical experience. Prerequisite: Practicum: Intercultural Ministry – Year 2 Winter

FE141Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 1 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course will provide a practical space to explore the varied nature of pastoral care in a local church context through integrating learning, practicum experiences and participation in interpersonal relations group. Fundamental to providing effective pastoral care lies in understanding one’s self.

FE142Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 1 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

This practicum is intended to introduce the students to some of the ministries where pastoral care and counselling skills are needed through short ministry experiences and a trip to a centre that ministers to vulnerable individuals. It will include teaching students within a small group context to share their stories and begin to develop skills in listening to others’ stories. The course encourages authenticity and increasing levels of connecting with others.

FE241Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 2 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

During the in-class portion of the practicum experience, students will be encouraged to reflect on their ministry experiences and pray for those under their care. Attention will be paid to personal and spiritual health and well-being of each student in order to assist students to develop their ability for strong self-care in the face of a disciplined and sometimes demanding ministry. Prerequisite: Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE242Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 2 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

During the in-class portion of the practicum experience, students will be encouraged to reflect on their ministry experiences and pray for those under their care. Attention will be paid to personal and spiritual health and well-being of each student in order to assist students to develop their ability for strong self-care in the face of a disciplined and sometimes demanding ministry. Prerequisite: Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE341Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 3 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

This class will be focused on practical experiences that include direct pastoral counselling and related activities. During class, students will discuss their practicum experiences and any challenges faced. They will also be given opportunities to troubleshoot, refine skills, and pray for those under the student’s care. Authenticity as a pastoral counsellor will be encouraged and supported to ensure personal health and spiritual growth and development. Prerequisite: Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 2 Winter

FE342Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 3 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

This class will be focused on practical experiences that include direct pastoral counselling and related activities. During class, students will discuss their practicum experiences and any challenges faced. They will also be given opportunities to trouble shoot, refine skills, and pray for those under the student’s care. Authenticity as a pastoral counsellor will be encouraged and supported to ensure personal health and spiritual growth and development. Prerequisite: Practicum: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry – Year 2 Winter

FE111Practicum: Pastoral Ministry – Year 1 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course is directly related to the student’s supervised ministry placement each week. The classroom component serves as preparation for and reflection upon weekly ministry. The emphasis is on personal ministry preparation, working as part of a team, and development of ministry gifts and abilities.

FE112Practicum: Pastoral Ministry – Year 1 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course is directly related to the student’s supervised ministry placement each week. The classroom component serves as preparation for and reflection upon weekly ministry. The emphasis is on personal ministry preparation, working as part of a team, and development of ministry gifts and abilities.

FE211Practicum: Pastoral Ministry – Year 2 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

The student’s skill development and growth in the area of pastoral ministry will be addressed, building on the skills learned in the Introductory Pastoral Practicum. Emphasis will be placed on continued development of the practical skills required of a shepherd in a local church setting. The theme for the second year practicum is Learning to Follow. In this stage of the practicum, the goal is to examine what it means to be a follower/disciple of Jesus Christ in the context of team- work as middle-management. Prerequisite: Practicum: Pastoral Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE212Practicum: Pastoral Ministry – Year 2 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

The student’s skill development and growth in the area of pastoral ministry will be addressed, building on the skills learned in the Introductory Pastoral Practicum. Emphasis will be placed on continued development of the practical skills required of a shepherd in a local church setting. The theme for the second year practicum is Learning to Follow. In this stage of the practicum, the goal is to examine what it means to be a follower/disciple of Jesus Christ in the context of team- work as middle-management. Prerequisite: Practicum: Pastoral Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE311Practicum: Pastoral Ministry – Year 3 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

The emphasis of this practicum will be on the fourth year students continued skill development and growth in the area of pastoral ministry. This practical, hands-on course will follow the theme, Learning to Lead. In this final pastoral practicum at Vanguard College the students will have time to discuss the practice of leading others while examining some specific areas. This component of the practicum will help to take the student to the final step of leading a local church by focusing on leading in four areas: financial affairs, board/business meetings, bringing innovation in the church, denominational governance and responsibilities. Prerequisite: Practicum:Pastoral Ministry–Year 2 Winter

FE312Practicum: Pastoral Ministry – Year 3 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

The emphasis of this practicum will be on the fourth year students continued skill development and growth in the area of pastoral ministry. This practical, hands-on course will follow the theme, Learning to Lead. In this final pastoral practicum at Vanguard College, the students will have time to discuss the practice of leading others while examining some specific areas. This component of the practicum will help to take the student to the final step of leading a local church by focusing on leading in four areas: financial affairs, board/business meetings, bringing innovation in the church, denominational governance and responsibilities. Prerequisite: Pastoral Ministry–Year 2 Winter

FE161Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 1 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course provides practical ministry experience that will enhance the student both practically and spiritually. Students will learn to effectively function as part of a worship team through ministry teams in a variety of contexts in order to cultivate a fruitful ministry brought about by worshiping in spirit and in truth as in John 4:23-24. Students will have 7 hours of class time and 53 hours of ministry experience through the college.

FE162Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 1 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course provides practical ministry experience that will enhance the student both practically and spiritually. Students will learn to effectively function as part of a worship team through ministry teams in a variety of contexts in order to cultivate a fruitful ministry brought about by worshiping in spirit and in truth as in John 4:23-24. Students will have 7 hours of class time and 53 hours of ministry experience through the college.

FE261Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 2 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course provides practical ministry experience that will enhance the student both practically and spiritually. Students will learn to effectively function as part of a worship team through ministry teams in a variety of contexts in order to cultivate a fruitful ministry brought about by worshiping in spirit and in truth as in John 4:23-24. Students will have 7 hours of class time, 23 hours of ministry experience through the college, and 30 hours of ministry experience through a local church or ministry in the area of Worship Arts. Prerequisite: Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE262Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 2 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course provides practical ministry experience that will enhance the student both practically and spiritually. Students will learn to effectively function as part of a worship team through ministry teams in a variety of contexts in order to cultivate a fruitful ministry brought about by worshiping in spirit and in truth as in John 4:23-24. Students will have 7 hours of class time, 23 hours of ministry experience through the college, and 30 hours of ministry experience through a local church or ministry in the area of Worship Arts. Prerequisite: Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE361Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 3 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course provides practical ministry experience that will enhance the student both practically and spiritually. Students will learn to effectively function as part of a worship team through ministry teams in a variety of contexts in order to cultivate a fruitful ministry brought about by worshiping in spirit and in truth as in John 4:23-24. Students will have 7 hours of class time, 13 hours of ministry experience through the college, and 40 hours of ministry experience through a local church or ministry in the area of Worship Arts. Prerequisite: Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 2 Winter

PS362Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 3 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course provides practical ministry experience that will enhance the student both practically and spiritually. Students will learn to effectively function as part of a worship team through ministry teams in a variety of contexts in order to cultivate a fruitful ministry brought about by worshiping in spirit and in truth as in John 4:23-24. Students will have 7 hours of class time, 13 hours of ministry experience through the college, and 40 hours of ministry experience through a local church or ministry in the area of Worship Arts. Prerequisite: Practicum: Worship Arts Ministry – Year 2 Winter

FE121Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 1 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course is directly related to the student’s supervised ministry placement each week. The classroom component serves as preparation for and reflection upon weekly ministry. The emphasis is on personal preparation, ministry preparation, working as part of a team, and development of ministry gifts and abilities.

FE122Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 1 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

This course is directly related to the student’s supervised ministry placement each week. The classroom component serves as preparation for and reflection upon weekly ministry. The emphasis is on personal preparation, ministry preparation, working as part of a team, and development of ministry gifts and abilities.

FE221Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 2 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

This is the second practicum course that youth ministry students take in their youth program. It is expected, in the second year that students will be involved in a church or para-church youth ministry. The classroom component of the course will focus on reaching, understanding, and responding to youth culture. Prerequisite: Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE222Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 2 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

This is the second practicum course that youth ministry students take in their youth program. It is expected, in the second year that students will be involved in a church or para-church youth ministry. The classroom component of the course will focus on reaching, understanding, and responding to youth culture. Prerequisite: Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 1 Winter

FE321Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 3 Fall

Class Time: 1 hrs

The classroom component of this upper level practicum course examines the philosophy, ethics, and practical application of youth ministry concepts at an advanced level. The course content will be presented by discussion, and interaction with the practicum teacher. Students are required to minister in a church or para-church context during each semester 6-10 hours each week. Prerequisite: Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 2 Winter

FE322Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 3 Winter

Class Time: 1 hrs

The classroom component of this upper level practicum course examines the philosophy, ethics, and practical application of youth ministry concepts at an advanced level. The course content will be presented by discussion, and interaction with the practicum teacher. Students are required to minister in a church or para-church context during each semester 6-10 hours each week. Prerequisite: Practicum: Youth Ministry – Year 2 Winter.

Field Education Online (DEFE)

DEFE191Year 1 Practicum: Personal Effectiveness

Class Time: 1

Students will explore several important elements in developing and maintaining personal effectiveness in Christian ministry. Discovering that personal effectiveness is rooted in longevity, credibility, purpose, and team will enhance the capacity to lead with effectiveness. Of significant content in this course is a guided examination of the characteristics of effective leaders within the student's own context.

DEFE192Year 1 Practicum: Relationships

Class Time: 1

Mature and emotionally intelligent relationships are an important element for developing and maintaining effectiveness in Christian ministry. Developing an accurate awareness of 'self' and the social context are important skills to capture in this practicum course. Students will examine and practice implementing strategies for fostering healthy and meaningful relationships in their context.

DEFE292Year 2 Practicum: Meetings

Class Time: 1

Many Christian churches and para-church organizations choose to structure decision-making around a committee. Committees can either be a source of effective or ineffective leadership. This practicum will assist the student to develop skills in mandating, leading, and monitoring effective committees.

DEFE291Year 2 Practicum: Volunteers

Class Time: 1

Volunteers are the backbone of Christian ministry. Volunteers staff departments, chair committees, teach classes, lead in services, and provide much of the church governance. This practicum will provide practical insights into recruiting volunteers, and will touch on the art of leading, loving, and caring for volunteers.

DEFE394Year 3 Practicum Elective: Law

Class Time: 1

This practicum is designed to provide an understanding of those areas of the law that affect Christian organizations as they carry on ministry in Canada as well as to provide a general overview of the legal principles and concepts that are of interest to ministry leaders and assist in the recognition of potential legal problems. Our starting point will be the Scriptures and an understanding of the Christian’s response to law. It is hoped that this course will provide helpful resources for students and those in ministry.

DEFE391Year 3 Practicum Elective: Project Management

Class Time: 1

This practicum will help you learn the fundamentals of project management. From inception to completion, the student is introduced to visioning, planning, and gathering participation, delegation, problem solving, implementation, and evaluation. For students in the degree program, participation in the practicum courses will afford assistance in completing the Senior Integrative Seminar.

DEFE393Year 3 Practicum Elective: Property

Class Time: 1

All churches and non-profit organizations operate from a bricks and mortar location. Regardless of the size, location and square footage, the property is an essential part of the equation for the delivery of the services of that endeavor. Churches and non-profits alike will invest funds in the acquisition and maintenance of their property. Astute management of the property is essential for good stewardship of the limited funds available. In this course the student will examine the 'tangibles' of ministry. This practicum will assist the student in developing stewardship of ministry facilities and an awareness of safety issues, overall presentation, and utilization of the property.

DEFE392Year 3 Practicum Elective: Technology

Class Time: 1

Is there such a thing as a "theology of information?" Is God even interested in our use of technology? The proliferation of ministry/church-based computing compels the wise Christian leader to consider the use of storage and retrieval of information within a wider context of careful planning and decision-making. In this practicum, students will be introduced to strategies for fiscally responsible use of information technologies.

DEFEXXXYear 4 Internship Elective: Christian Ministry

Students can choose an internship from one of the 5 other available programs.

DEFE435Year 4 Internship: Children's and Family Ministry

Class Time: 9.00

More intensive than a practicum, during internship students must spend 400 hours working as part of the children’s and family ministry in a local church or para-church organization. The goal is to give students a better, fuller understanding of what it means to serve and further develop their skills in these areas.

DEFE455Year 4 Internship: Intercultural Ministry

Class Time: 9.00

The Missions Internship is a minimum 10-week (400 hrs.) cross-cultural experience to practically prepare students for their future ministry & calling. Emphasis is placed on experiencing the life and work of a missionary in a supervised setting that will begin to prepare the student for a life of missions. The goal is to facilitate the entire internship process with an emphasis on developing an approach to responding to a personal missions calling. The class will be a focal point for internship preparation and personal development as well missions, information and issues.

DEFE445Year 4 Internship: Pastoral Care and Counselling Ministry

Class Time: 9.00

This course sits at the top of the experiential component of developing skills in Pastoral Care & Counselling. It involves on site involvement practicing the skills of one on one work, group leadership, administration, as well as self-care and self-understanding.

DEFE415Year 4 Internship: Pastoral Ministry

Class Time: 9.00

The focus of Internship is all about PREPARING TO LEAD. Students will continue to develop the practical skills needed in the area of pastoral ministry and understanding the principles behind them. Practical experience is gained in ministry management skills, preaching and teaching, as well as relational ministry in the areas of evangelism and discipleship. Students are required to complete a minimum of 400 hours of service in the local church or other ministry setting. Key to this course is both the input of the supervisor and the debriefing with the teacher.

DEFE425Year 4 Internship: Youth Ministry

Class Time: 9.00

The focus of this course is on the development of youth ministry skills. This practical course emphasizes ministry management skills, preaching and teaching as well as relational ministry in the areas of evangelism and discipleship of youth. Students will complete a minimum of 400 hours of service in local church, community, or campus ministries.

Course descriptions are arranged by course name within the academic discipline. The two letter prefix indicates the academic discipline. The three digit code following the two letter prefix generally speaking indicates the following; the first digit identifies the year or level the course is taken.

To view the Course Descriptions for each course, click on the course name and a description box will pop up on the right hand side.

Vanguard College reserves the right to cancel or revise any courses listed, or to cancel any course for which there is insufficient demand.