Staff & Faculty

Executive Lead Team

Mark MacKnight

Rev. Mark MacKnight, MTS

President, Global Pastoral Program Director

"I love walking with students as they discover and develop their calling and gifts."

Chris Steward

Chris Steward, MBA

Executive Vice President

"I love supporting students who are pursuing their calling and being a small part of shaping the future of the church."

Rob Lindemann

Rev. Rob Lindemann, EdD

Chief Academic Officer

"I love inspiring students to pursue intellectual and spiritual growth."

Aunge Goobie

Rev. Aunge Goobie, MA

Campus Pastor

"I love journeying with students as they pursue their calling and wholeness in Christ."

John Kent

John Kent, MA

Enrolment Services Director

“I love the opportunity to encourage the followers of Christ to pursue their calling and gifts.”


Mark MacKnight

Rev. Mark MacKnight, MTS

President, Global Pastoral Program Director

"I love walking with students as they discover and develop their calling and gifts."

Ron Powell

Rev. Ron Powell, DMin

Dean of Online Education

"I love students who are so passionate about Jesus that they actually pay to be here!"

Matthew Ball

Rev. Matthew Ball, MA

Next Generation Ministry Program Director

"I love spending time with the students."

Rob Lindemann

Rev. Rob Lindemann, EdD

Chief Academic Officer

"I love inspiring students to pursue intellectual and spiritual growth."

Denise Lucyshyn

Denise Lucyshyn, MMus

Associate Dean/Registrar

"I love guiding students through their education & leading them through the call God has placed on their hearts! A prayerful & fun family"

Karina Dunn

Karina Dunn, MLIS

Library Director

"I love working in a Christian community and academia combines my two loves: Jesus and higher learning!"

Jonathan Kienzler

Rev. Jonathan Kienzler, PhD

Biblical Studies Director

"I love the support, incredible work atmosphere, freedom and emphasis on the Word."

Cath Thorlakson

Rev. Cath Thorlakson, PHD, RPSYCH

Pastoral Care and Counseling Program Director

"I love the students, and teaching them."

Jay Dyrland

Rev. Jay Dyrland, DWS

Worship Arts Program Director

"I love the opportunity to come alongside students as they discern God’s call."

Sean Anderson

Rev. Sean Anderson, MTh

Faculty, Children's Ministry Specialist

"I love that I get to teach others to do a job I loved doing!"

Val Rutten

Rev. Val Rutten, MTh

Missions Specialist

Brian Rutten

Rev. Brian Rutten, MTh

Missions Specialist

"I love the atmosphere and the people."

Campus Life

Aunge Goobie

Rev. Aunge Goobie, MA

Campus Pastor

"I love journeying with students as they pursue their calling and wholeness in Christ."

Jeremy Berry

Rev. Jeremy Berry, BATh

Associate Campus Pastor

Spiritual Direction

Len Thompson

Len Thompson, MA

Director of Spiritual Direction

Program and Student Support

Cayla Thorlakson

Cayla Thorlakson, BTh

Library Assistant

"I love getting to know students and seeing them succeed!"

Amy Acpal

Amy Acpal, BATh

Program and Ministry Coordinator

Jillian Fast

Jillian Fast

Academic Success Centre Assistant

Joanna Schmidt

Joanna Schmidt, BBS/LIT

Library Assistant

Online Education

Ron Powell

Rev. Ron Powell, DMin

Dean of Online Education

"I love students who are so passionate about Jesus that they actually pay to be here!"

Gonam Raju

Gonam Raju, MEd

ASSOCIATE DEAN of Online Education

Amy Powell

Amy Powell, BATh

Administrative Assistant for Vanguard Online

"I love the fellowship that the students have with each other and the care professors give to each of the students."


Rob Lindemann

Rev. Rob Lindemann, EdD

Chief Academic Officer

"I love inspiring students to pursue intellectual and spiritual growth."

Denise Lucyshyn

Denise Lucyshyn, MMus

Associate Dean/Registrar

"I love guiding students through their education & leading them through the call God has placed on their hearts! A prayerful & fun family"

Hilary Warnock

Hilary Warnock, BATh


"I love the supportive Christian community. I feel lucky to work with such an amazing team."

Emily Lindemann

Emily Lindemann

Academic Assistant

Enrolment Services

John Kent

John Kent, MA

Enrolment Services Director

“I love the opportunity to encourage the followers of Christ to pursue their calling and gifts.”

Adaolisa Agu

Adaolisa Agu, MA

Admissions Counsellor

I love the close knit community at Vanguard and the welcoming/caring atmosphere fostered by students and staff.

Rylan Wheaton

Rylan Wheaton, BA

Marketing and Media Coordinator


Rachel Gifford

Rachel Gifford, BATh


"I love it’s Credibility, Creativity and Christlike Community."

Britney Hinecher

Britney Hinecker, BTh

Administrative Assistant


Keith Bishop

Rev. Keith Bishop, BTh


"I love Vanguard's focus on the present & future and looking to be used by God to equip students to achieve their very best in life"

Adjunct Faculty

On Campus Faculty

Denise Lang, MA

Erin Wiens, MA

James MacKnight, (PhD. Studies)

Jeremy Feller, DTH

Kevin Janzen, MA

Kolten Zenner, BA

Larry Lindoff, (DMin. Studies)

Rod Snaterse, DWS

Ryan Pedde, MDiv

Trevor Caverly, BATh

Vadim Yuchenko, MTh

William Sloos, (DMin. Studies)


Online Faculty

Anil Satralkar, PhD

Brad Fawcett, D.Litt

Brian Glubish, MA

Burton Janes, MA

Cory Seibel, PhD

Dale Sanger, MTS

Denise Lang, MA

Erin Wiens, MA

Gerry Johnson, MA

James MacKnight, MTh

Jenna-King Poirier, MA

Jeremy Feller, DTh

Kelly Schulz, MA

Kevin Schwartz, MTS

Nathan Hill, MDiv

Tammy Ball, BA

Wendy Ryden, MSW